Amazon SEO

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO is the practice of optimising your product listings for Amazon’s ranking algorithm, A9. These optimizations include using keywords (or search terms) in a product listing’s title, uploading high-quality photos, setting competitive prices, and more.

Amazon SEO involves:

Amazon keyword optimization
Backend keywords
Amazon product title optimization
Pricing strategy
Product image optimization
The Amazon A9 algorithm

How does the Amazon ranking algorithm work?

If you’re familiar with Google’s ranking algorithm, Amazon’s ranking algorithm, A9, works similarly. Like Google, A9 works to deliver the best, most relevant results to shoppers.

Amazon determines which product listings are relevant to a user’s search by using its ranking algorithm. This algorithm looks at several different factors, including ones related to user behaviour, like if someone who did the same search purchased the product.

If your company wants to appear at the top of search results for searches related to your product, Amazon search engine optimization, SEO, is a must. Even if you have a great product, you might struggle to sell it if people can’t find your product — and they’re not going to dig through pages of search results to find it. Especially because only 30% of Amazon shoppers visit the second page of search results.

Which factors matter the most to ranking on Amazon?

According to Amazon, if you want to maximise your product listing’s visibility, you should focus on:

Optimising product listing titles with relevant search terms or keywords
Uploading high-quality product images, especially for your product’s main or primary image
Updating product listing descriptions and features with helpful and detailed information
Generating positive, genuine reviews without incentives

Overall, most optimizations for Amazon SEO focus on your product listing. If you can build an informative and descriptive listing that targets the most relevant (and lucrative) keywords, you can not only rank higher on Amazon but also generate more sales from Amazon.

Move your brand forward with an Amazon SEO Expert

When you partner with Regional Marketer’s, an Amazon Marketing Agency, to manage and optimise your Amazon listings, you can expect the following:


Not everyone on Amazon has your brand’s success in mind. Leeches may try to hijack your products and steal your rankings. Our Amazon SEO agency knows how to handle them and you can be assured your brand’s exclusivity will be protected. We specialise in Amazon leech removal.

We will continue to find keyword opportunities, increase the number of reviews for each product and optimise price, headlines and product descriptions. This process is dynamic and will be ongoing until it is perfect!

Ratings and reviews have a big impact on Amazon SEO and in the minds of Amazon shoppers. That’s why Regional Marketer’s recommends taking a proactive approach to Amazon Ratings & Reviews. Our Amazon Strategists will leverage a third-party tool to set up automated Rating & Review requests that adhere to Amazon’s strict policies. These automated requests will be branded, personalised, and timed to the seller’s specifications for optimal review collection. This service also includes review notifications. These notifications enable sellers to promptly address any poor customer experiences, increasing the likelihood of getting negative reviews removed or amended.

Our Amazon advertising PPC specialists will manage and continue to improve the performance of your Amazon sponsored ads. You will get buyers from automatic, manual and social sources with high ROI and low ACoS.

Our Amazon SEO services also include writing unique product descriptions, optimised titles and content that encourages shoppers to buy. We’ll also work with your existing creative assets to create a dynamic image set, designed to capture interest, inform, and persuade consumers to buy.

For Amazon Brand Registered Sellers, our team will develop compelling A+ Content, designed to share your brand story, unique product details, and comparison charts that help shoppers make the best purchase decisions. For Brand Registered sellers with a variety of products, we’ll also develop a custom Amazon Brand Store that allows shoppers to browse their full catalogue. These stores allow sellers to carve out a branded experience within the larger Amazon marketplace where shoppers can not only browse full product lines, but also view video content and even follow the brand to receive updates on new product releases.

Our Amazon SEO company will work with an Amazon Sales Agent to set up your account, enter your products and set up your inbound shipping plan. Then our Amazon SEO agency makes sure your account is ready to start selling products.


We’ll support you while consulting with the Amazon client team to assist with the set up of your Amazon Brand Registry. Once you are all set up you become eligible for A+ branded content. Additionally, your trademarked product will be protected.

Our Amazon SEO services ensure a comprehensive audit of your existing account and product listings. We’ll uncover any issues that need to be addressed,  evaluate the quality of your existing listings and campaigns, then provide a strategic implementation plan to take your product sales to the next level. Once approved, our team will optimise your product listings to improve their search rankings for high-volume keywords within your product categories.

As part of our comprehensive account audit, our Amazon SEO services include best-in-class tools to identify your top competitors and identify opportunities to capture shares from them. Specific tactics may include pricing, deals, coupons, offensive targeting, and targeting related product categories.

Benefits from using Regional Marketer's Amazon SEO Services

Having optimised Amazon descriptions that get found
Taking advantage of our full-service Amazon marketing services
Avoiding the use of terms that lack relevance with your Amazon products
Knowing what works best for you to make sure that satisfaction and retention are part of every purchase
Writing the most optimised Amazon listings possible
Maximising your Amazon Brand Store and branding through A+ Content.
Making sure high-volume Amazon SEO keywords are prominent
Knowing which five to 10 keywords in the specification section work best for your Amazon products’ success

Regional Marketer’s Amazon SEO services focus on some of the most pertinent aspects, zeroing in on things like the level of relevancy. In addition, as part of our Amazon optimization service the specifications of your products are clear and concise, which plays a crucial role in raising your rank on Amazon and increasing your conversion rate.