What is Conversion Rate?

What is Conversion Rate?

Getting more traffic to your website is the first milestone that you must achieve, if you have done that-kudos to you- Now that you are done with the first part of the process, the second is making sure your visitors are engaged and do what you want them to do.

To put it simply, your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your landing page that convert (do what you want them to do). Depending on your business goal, a “conversion” can be many things from submitting a form, making a purchase, upgrading their service to calling your business and much more.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Knowing what a conversion rate is one thing, but what do you actually do with your conversion rate data? and most importantly, how do you improve your conversion rate?

 Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of optimising your landing page and website to-you guessed it- produce more conversions from your traffic!

The great thing about CRO is that it helps you get most out of the traffic that you already have. For example, even without increasing traffic to your site, improving your conversion rate from 1% to 2% will double your conversions.

What are Conversion Rate Optimization Metrics?

 There are thousands of conversion rate metrics, but the question is: which one are the most important for you to track if your site is not meeting its goals?

 Here are some of the most important conversion rate metrics for you to pay attention to, in order to see an uptick in how well your site does.

Bounce Rate

For starters, you’ll want to minimise your visitor bounce rate.

The bounce rate is the rate at which a visitor immediately clicks away from your site without doing anything. Since they did not spend time on your site, it is a sign they are not going to convert.

A high bounce rate can mean several things, including weak or irrelevant sources of traffic or landing page that are not optimised for conversion. Common problems include poor design, low usability, high load times, or even the type of page that people land on.

In the case of e-commerce, bounce rate can be attributed to complicated checkout process or surprise cost or fees.

Page Load Time

Website optimization is a big part of any conversion rate optimization program. For many visitors, a slow-loading website is often the main reason they leave a site without purchasing.

In fact, every second delay after the first 2 seconds can lead to a higher bounce rate.

Traffic Sources

How visitors help you achieve your goal matters more when it comes to conversion rate metric than simply how many people visit your site.

 And understanding where visitors are finding your site is the key. Primary sources of traffic include direct visitors, search visitors, and referral visitors.

It is important to have a diverse number of sources for incoming traffic. If you are getting all your visitors from one source, it can be risky.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

This conversion optimization metric shows how many of the people who saw your ads, organic listing or search results clicked on your site link. Click through rate is used to gauge your keyword performance and CRO marketing campaign relevance.

Return On Investment (ROI)

What is conversion optimization if not a growth-centric method to boost your revenue? Your business’s ROI allows you to gauge the impact of your conversion rate marketing efforts on your bottom line and re-assess your CRO marketing spending.

Leads Generated

Leads pertain to online users or site visitors who showed interest in your brand offerings and are ready to move along your conversion funnel. 

Effective conversion rates marketing campaigns result in above-average lead conversion rate and sustainable revenue.

Exit Pages

You need to figure out which pages are causing people to leave. In many cases, your final call to action or conversion may be on page two or three of a process. If people are leaving before getting to the final step, you are losing out on potential customers.

To solve this problem, you need to dig deeper to figure out which stage of the process is causing visitors to abandon their carts or reverse their decision. By optimising for your exit pages, you’ll start to see your conversion rate metrics increase.

Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

It is one of the most important metrics you can calculate. It is also called cost per referral.

It does not matter if you have high conversions and high value per visit. If your costs are prohibitive, your net income might be zero or even negative.

For example, an e-commerce store that has a $3 value per visit might be great if their traffic is free. But if it costs them $150 per conversion, and each conversion only places a $100 order, the store will go broke quickly.

The CRO Services we Offer

At TexUS B2B, we ensure our sales funnel conversion optimization strategy aligns with your goals and values. Leave the technical work to our CRO company and get conversion rate digital marketing services that exceed your expectations.

CRO Audit

It’s important to do a full CRO audit on your pages and use heat maps, Google Analytics and other CRO testing tools to see your website interactions and gauge if prospects are taking the right actions that you want. Our conversion rate optimization consultant conducts in-depth CRO audits and extensive conversion marketing research, covering each stage of your sales funnel, including search query intent and landing page layout and content. These practices allow us to optimize your calls to action and other site elements for better conversion.

Google Analytics

Unlike other split testing and CRO audit tools, Google Analytics is a free service that allows businesses to gain in-depth insights into their website engagement metrics and online performance. Our CRO consultant uses Google Analytics to track your behavioural metrics (including online traffic, bounce rate, page views and average session duration), analyse your user behaviour and generate real-time, valuable reports. We leverage Google Analytics reports to improve your CRO SEO efforts and improve conversion rate.

Website Design and Development

Statistics show simplifying form fields and keeping them to a minimum drives up to 120 percent more conversions. Evidently, your website design is a big part of improving conversion rates. How your landing page is structured, where your CTA button is located and where specific site elements are positioned significantly impact your efforts regarding how to lower bounce rate and increase website conversion rate. To enhance your site functionality, accessibility and usability, our CRO consultant implements web design and development best practices and prioritises your landing page optimization.

A/B Split Testing

We believe that data-driven conversion rate digital marketing initiatives are key to executing lucrative marketing campaigns. That is why our conversion optimization agency performs various CRO testing solutions, including A/B split testing and multivariate testing, depending on your website performance and online needs. Our A/B testing services range from simply testing a different call to action to switching out different landing pages to find what works.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Minimise your attrition rate and fill your website conversion funnel with integrated SEO and conversion optimization services. Our CRO consultant collaborates with other Thrive digital marketing experts to create a solid, data-driven foundation for generating qualified leads and converting customers. We perform necessary split testing of your site elements, including CTA button, page content and keyword targeting, track user behaviour analytics and prioritise creating a positive website experience for better ROI and scalability.

ADA Website Compliance

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is crucial in attracting more customers and securing equal access to your website. Thrive is one of the few CRO companies that offer comprehensive ADA compliant services. Our ADA compliance tool boasts features such as seizure-safe profile, keyboard navigation, blind users support and orientation adjustments, designed to safeguard your brand from ADA compliance lawsuits and ensure quality website experience for all page visitors. From your call to action button to your website content, we make sure everything is ADA compliant.

Heat Maps Testing

Heat maps are useful visual representations of user engagement, interests and interactions as page visitors navigate your CRO website. We leverage heat maps testing tools to determine site elements that are getting ignored or attracting more attention and engagement than they should. Depending on the heatmaps result, we make appropriate changes on your call to action button, graphics, content, site layout and other website elements to ensure your page visitors do not get distracted by unimportant page elements.

User Behaviour Analytics

Our technical SEO company has partnered with hundreds of companies across the U.S. to help improve their digital presence. We were able to identify and fix multiple recurring site issues by performing thorough SEO technical audits and implementing results-driven SEO strategies. Discover more about the quality of our technical SEO services straight from our clients.

Content Writing

Your content needs to be persuasive and make people want to take action. But what if you don’t understand what is a call to action or how to write effective site content? Our conversion rate experts are knowledgeable in various industries and areas of conversion rate digital marketing. Whether you’re in the healthcare, pest control or manufacturing industry, our content specialists and online marketing professionals can create data-driven content that promotes better online engagement and website conversions. Schedule a consultation with our conversion optimization agency to find out how we can optimise your calls to action, service pages and other site content.