Social Media Advertising

What Is Social Media Advertising and Why Is It Important?

Social media advertising or social media targeting is the process of leveraging social media platforms to elicit high conversion rates. It involves paid advertisement or sponsored content on various social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and more to reach the target audience and build brand recognition.

As opposed to social media marketing, social media advertising efforts rely on paid ads and sponsorships to reach the target audience in a manner that shows immediate results and increases return on investment (ROI).

 Social media advertising positions your brand in front of the right customers at the right time and platform. This social media digital marketing method is vital if you want to reach new, specific demographics fast.

Social Media Advertising Platforms

At Regional Marketer’s, we help you determine the best social media platforms for business types in your industry to ensure the amount of new business garnered is over and above the resources poured into your social networking ads.

Facebook Advertising

Move your prospects along the conversion funnel by leveraging Facebook ads management. Facebook advertising provides various ad formats, such as image and video ads, poll ads, and carousel ads. Facebook advertising is the most recommended to businesses looking to target their exact audience and drive immediate results. It is relatively easy to get sales on Facebook in a couple of days because Facebook social network ads are typically approved within 24 hours.

Our Facebook Advertising Services:

Our social media advertising services for Facebook are centered on consulting with your team to determine the goal of your Facebook ad campaign and discuss your Facebook ad strategy development. Once your Facebook advertising campaign’s needs and demands are settled, we launch a Facebook ad campaign that is tailored to your needs to attain your specific target requirement. Our Facebook ad management agency also tracks your visitor activity by setting up an analytics tool for Facebook.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram has approximately 1.07 active users worldwide. Keeping that number in mind, it is one of the most recommended platforms for brand advertising by companies. Instagram advertising allows business owners, be it startups or big enterprises, to promote their products and services on platforms that their target audience use through sponsored ads. Social media advertising agencies integrate your Instagram advertising campaign with Facebook Ads Manager to gain access to a plethora of targeting options and optimization selections that streamline ad management.

Our Instagram Advertising services:

Our social media advertising services include utilizing analytics to keep track of your Instagram ad activity. Our Instagram advertising efforts are centered on launching an advertising campaign that strengthens your brand value. We determine the objective of your ad, choose placement for your ad, define your budget and select the most appropriate ad format to achieve the goal of your campaign.

LinkedIn Advertising

Business-to-business (B2B)  marketers are recommended to advertise on LinkedIn to drive lead generation through effective social media advertising. If your target market is C-suite professionals and industry experts, LinkedIn advertising is the solution for you. Advertising on LinkedIn is a guaranteed success when it comes to targeting accuracy, it provides multiple ad formats, broadens your audience, and provides precise market data that is unparalleled to even the best social media advertising platforms for business.

Our LinkedIn Advertising Services:

Our social media advertising services for LinkedIn are committed to establishing your industry expertise and achieving your LinkedIn advertising goals. we utilize industry-specific variables, such as company name, industry, or job function, to narrow your targeting and help you reach your ideal client, and induce more conversions.

TikTok Advertising

Since its official launch in 2016, TikTok has quickly turned into a popular channel for businesses’ advertising. TikTok is a choice of many social media advertising agencies to build brand awareness and appear authentic to consumers. TikTok advertising campaigns are easy to create as opposed to other social media advertising strategies.

Our TikTok Advertising Services:

Our TikTok advertising services are provided on a case-by-case basis. We perform an in-depth analysis of your existing TikTok advertising strategies and conduct market research to provide marketing solutions. Our social media advertising services team also offers expert consultations to help you choose the best TikTok ad option for your brand.

Pinterest Advertising

Harness your full-funnel marketing potential by advertising on Pinterest. Pinterest is one of the fastest growing applications with 400 million monthly active users which makes it a cost-effective marketing channel for your product and brand. Advertising on Pinterest works similarly to Facebook in the sense that both follow a pay-for-placement (P4P) system. This means you pay to promote your Pinterest ads on your chosen product Pins.

Our Pinterest Advertising Services:

We implement Data-driven advertising strategies for Pinterest that are bound to drive more traffic and conversions. Our social media advertising services specialist for Pinterest ensures that your ad images are optimized and use rich Pins as an effort that is conversion-driven. We recommend advertising on Pinterest to complement your Amazon marketing efforts.

Reddit Advertising

Reddit consists of various interest-based communities reaching up to 100 thousand making it one of the most cost-efficient platforms to get your product in front of the right audience. As opposed to Google and other counterparts, Reddit provides a platform for you that makes it easier to reach your target communities based on content subscription.

Our Reddit Advertising Services:

Advertising on Reddit has its own guidelines which must be followed at all costs to avoid the risk of getting banned by community members. Our Social media advertising services for Reddit include determining your target audience’s demographics, analyzing their online behavior, and identifying all the possible communities to join and target based on your niche. Manage your existing Reddit account or set up a new one? We got you covered!