Local SEO

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is all about increasing online search visibility so that your business could be found by nearby online searches. This can include brick-and-mortar businesses with physical locations, like a grocery store or a real estate office, or service-area businesses that operate throughout a certain geographical area, like an electrician or house cleaning company.

After analysing the behaviours of users during trillions of searches, google figured out that people seeking certain types of businesses need results from their immediate area. That’s why google’s local search algorithm includes a proximity factor, which is a fancy way of saying that google takes location into account as well when searching for a local keyword.

If you are at work and order a pizza, googling “Pizza delivery” will show a list of locations near your office in its local SERPs (search engine result pages) which would differ entirely if you order pizza at home. That makes sense considering you need a pizza delivered from somewhere nearby.

Local SEO includes everything from claiming a business listing to ensuring a franchise location appears in a local search on google. It also extends to managing online ratings and reviews, local-centric social media engagement and beyond

Regional Marketers Local SEO Services

Regional Marketers is a top-tier professional SEO service company that ensures commitment and dedication. We help you grow your business by making sure you have all the tools necessary to rank on the first page of google for all relevant search terms.

Website Audit

Our SEO and website audit experts analyse the key aspects of your website to enable efficient crawling by search engines. We find out all the on-page issues and design relative solutions. We aim to give you a detailed website audit for further improvement.

Keyword Analysis

Our SEO experts conduct in-depth keyword research analysis to keep your marketing goals on par with trending strategies. Our research allows leveraging various opportunities to bring relevant traffic according to keyword queries.

Content Creation

Our SEO process has a strong emphasis on quality content creation to get the best results. Our research-oriented and high-quality content is SEO friendly. Our professional content writers design the content according to your industry needs.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO services are a crucial aspect of enabling the key aesthetics and content placement for maximum impact. Through our expertise, your website will give users the best experience and our professional SEO services make your website worthwhile.

KPI Reporting

Our local SEO services provide you with comprehensive KPI reports that reflect the progress of your website. The detailed information not only keeps you updated but allows us to devise further strategies and improvements in the SEO process.

Website Maintenance

We consider ourselves the best SEO services company due to our ongoing SEO action plans. We maintain a continuous flow of quality content combined with various SEO techniques to keep your website ranking high in SERPs.

Important Local SEO ranking factors

To maximise your success in local search, you need to familiarise yourself with the most important local SEO ranking factors. According to statistics, 29% of consumers who search for a type of business on a mobile phone call or visit that business within 24 hours, so you want to make sure that you are appearing in those results. Improving your local SEO will help you to get your business name in front of more people who are ready to purchase now. When it comes to local SEO, there are two rankings you want to pay close attention to: local pack ranking and organic rankings.

Local pack rankings:

the small box that appears at the top of SERPs with your opening hours, reviews, and business contact information.

Organic rankings:

just like general SEO,this is your ranking in google. Here are the important local SEO factors!

On-page SEO

An obvious place to start when optimizing for local SEO is the content on your website.

Content quality is one of the most important Google ranking factors, as this makes your website a more relevant or useful result that better serves their users. This has driven the explosion of content marketing, with 89% of B2B businesses now using content marketing.

For local SEO, it’s also worth making sure that your address and phone number are featured on every page of your website. Place them in the header or footer, which allows them to be found by Google without being inserted clumsily into the main page content.

Many websites also use blogs to fill their website with high-quality, related content. Focusing on local topics such as news, events or clients in your area will further benefit your local SEO efforts.

Backlink Profile

One of the biggest areas of local SEO that you should pay attention to is your backlink profile.

It’s estimated that off-page factors account for 75% of SEO. While your website’s content is extremely important—and much easier to control than external factors—your SEO strategy won’t be successful if you only optimise on-page factors.

In terms of local ranking factors, it’s a good idea to target local links. Articles in the local newspaper, a sponsor page on the city’s home team or a blog post about your company’s charitable work are all great ways of strengthening your website’s connection to your locale.

Outbound links are also considered, and exchanging links with relevant local businesses can help to improve your local rankings. A wedding venue might share links with related vendors such as florists, photographers or wedding dress stores. This will boost local rankings and help Google to understand your company’s position within the online market.


It’s not just potential customers who will view your website as being more legitimate if you’ve got lots of positive reviews. This is another one of the many local SEO ranking factors that Google uses to determine how well you rank

Remember that Google Maps and the local pack show an overview of your business’ reviews, so it’s advisable to focus on getting good reviews from happy customers. There’s no point in spending all your energy getting into the local pack only to have a low star-rating put people off.

You might think that only Google reviews are taken into account, but many major review sites are factored in. Some of the key review signals come from Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, Better Business Bureau and Foursquare.

Online Citations

Wherever your business is mentioned online, make sure that the business name, address and telephone number are correct, and that they match the information on your website. If the address on your website says “123 Example Street” but your Yelp listing says “121-123 Example Road” then this can confuse things. Particularly for local search, you want both Google and any customers to be absolutely certain of your location. Local SEO aside, 80% of consumers lose trust in local businesses if they see incorrect or inconsistent contact details or business names online, so it’s important to keep on top of your citations.

Search Personalisation

Years ago, everyone saw the same results if they typed in the same search term, regardless of where they were. When it comes to local search, this approach doesn’t offer the most useful results. Search personalization was introduced more than a decade ago to to provide the most relevant results for an individual.While some generic results will be the same regardless of who is searching and where, factors such as physical location and a user’s browsing history will influence the rest of the results. If a user often selects a particular website from the SERPs, Google learns that it should be shown more frequently to that user.

Social Media

If people are talking about your brand on social media, this will feed into your rankings. Remember that Google’s algorithms are smart enough to know whether these mentions are positive or negative, so monitor them and engage with your audience to preserve your reputation. While it’s an important aspect of the holistic SEO approach, focusing solely on social media isn’t going to give you instant results. Incorporate social into your wider local SEO strategy and allow it to work alongside the other criteria we’ve already discussed. And last but not the least

Behavioural Signals

Google is more inclined to serve your site in the SERPs if it has a reputation for being helpful. Factors such as click-through rate, clicks to call and check-ins show Google that people are interacting with your company and that it is a useful result. The more people interact with you, the higher up in the rankings you will appear.

Google My Business and Why is it most important

One of the most important local search ranking factors is your Google My Business listing.

GMB or Google My Business is essentially the most critical part of your local SEO strategy. This tool from Google allows you to create free business listings. And according to Moz, it’s one of the top factors that Google will consider when ranking businesses in organic local search and snack pack results.

When you create or claim your GMB listing, make sure that your business name, address and phone number are correct. This is useful not just for customers, but also because the proximity of the business to the searcher is one of Google’s main local ranking factors.

Optimise the listing by completing it as fully as possible, ensuring that you have selected the most appropriate category and included relevant keywords within your title and description. Check that your business hours are correct and that the link to your company website is current.

Adding your logo and some high-quality photos will also improve your business’ appearance in the local pack or Google Maps. This, along with some great reviews, will make your business more enticing.