What is SEO and why does it matter?

SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is how you improve your ranking in search engines by optimising your website’s content and structure. In easy words, SEO is how high your website appears in search results whenever someone searches for something related to your business.

When people want to buy something or find out information, they search for it online using keywords. All big search engines, such as Google and Bing, use an algorithm to rank websites and webpages based on what they believe will best answer the search of the user. The better your website is optimised for these algorithms, the more likely it will appear on the first page of search results for those keywords.

2022 data from reveals that 39.6% of people click on the first webpage in search results. This drops down to 18.4% and 10.1% for second and third pages respectively.

There are three pillars of SEO

On-site SEO

This refers to the content you have on your website, such as your blog posts or web pages. By creating relevant content on your website that’s optimised for keywords, search engines will see your company as a valuable source of information and rank it higher on unpaid search results.

Technical SEO.

Technical SEO refers to things like your site speed, the linking structure on your website between pages and the mobile-friendliness of your site. Search engines rely on ‘crawlers’ to dig through your website’s content and technical SEO ensures your website is crawlable by Google.

Offsite SEO

When other reputable websites link to your website (known as backlinks), search engines view your content as more relevant and useful. By creating highly valuable content that other websites link back to, you can improve your website’s authority on a certain keyword or subject, and improve your rankings on Google.

Why a regional marketer for SEO services and why is it better than the rest?

If your business is based in a regional area, chances are your local community is pretty close-knit. While this can be helpful in building a loyal customer base, it can also be tricky to extend the reach of your business outside of your immediate customer base. 

After all, traditional marketing methods such as direct mail or sales calls aren’t practical or effective when you’re trying to cover customers in multiple towns across the state, or branch into neighbouring cities.This is where digital marketing approaches, such as SEO and SEM, can lend a huge helping hand.

Keeping all the competition in mind, it would not be wrong to say that a sound SEO is the need of the day. Where many digital marketing agencies promise to increase your exposure and convert a lead, not all of them meet your expectations. At Regional Marketer’s, meeting your expectations is the bare minimum and we make sure our SEO services satisfy you by giving visible results and increased conversion rates.

Power your business with Regional Marketer’s SEO services

Regional optimization campaigns present their own unique challenges and opportunities, and you need a partner who understands the nuances associated with search engine algorithms that can be turned to your advantage. This is where Regional Marketer’s SEO services come into play.

Regional Marketer’s is a leading digital marketing agency, and our team has the experience and expertise to create and manage regional SEO campaigns at scale.

Regional SEO Methodology

We follow an established methodology for our SEO services that is tried and tested and proven to deliver results for our customers. By working together, we will improve your regional exposure and improve lead generation in a way that is visible and accountable.

Client Discovery

We look at how your brand and online presence are currently viewed within the market and seek to understand what your customers really think about you and your products and services. We use this information to build a picture of your ideal customer and where they may be found, and more importantly, what they are actively searching for using Google, Bing, or other search engines

Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research

By looking at who currently benefits from the top rankings for converting keywords, we not only establish the level of competition (and therefore the level of effort) but also gain insight into which keywords and phrases are actively contributing to the bottom line of successful websites.

Regional Onsite Optimization Methodology

Regional optimization success relies upon a disciplined approach to generating and attracting authoritative links from other websites, ideally within your own industry niche. Developing a backlink profile is an essential prerequisite for ranking targeted keywords as well as increasing the overall number of impressions for unknown keywords.

Additionally, other offsite factors play into creating search engine success, including social media mentions and activity, as well as your branding and messaging.

Ultimately, Regional SEO campaigns generate the lowest cost per lead than any other online channel. Building an SEO advantage means you are building a competitive advantage and a strategic marketing asset.

Measuring Regional SEO Results – Reporting and Metrics

Regular reporting is essential for keeping your campaigns, budgets, and ROI on track. Successful SEO campaigns are nimble and flexible, allowing for quick changes in direction as data and results unfold.

Visibility into work activity is also crucial to demonstrate correlation and causation between action and the results we deliver. In addition to real-time work reporting, we also create custom dashboards and reports tailored to your needs.

Finally, we meet with client teams and stakeholders on a regular basis, reviewing results from regional SEO campaign efforts and exploring future direction. Working closely with client teams fosters strong relationships, improving collaboration and group efforts from your investment, enhancing communication, as well as encouraging skills and knowledge transfer to client staff.

Why is SEO a Great Investment?

SEO is not only necessary for your business, it’s one of the greatest investments that you can make. By investing in SEO you create long-term value for your website that will continue to accrue over time.

Here are the reasons you should start investing in SEO now.

Increased Website Traffic

By investing in SEO and raising your rankings in Google you’ll send more traffic to your website which can generate more leads and sales for your business.

Necessary for Small Businesses

Because of mobile, SEO is becoming more important for small businesses

Let’s say someone is on a business trip in your area and walking around town when they decide they’re in the mood for a coffee. All this person has to do is type “coffee shop near me” into their mobile browser and they’ll find all of the local results. For a smaller local coffee shop, this creates an opportunity to rank in their area over big-name coffee shops like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. That means people can not only find them online but also find them on foot in real-time.

By investing in Local SEO you’re putting your small business on the radar of people who are your ideal customers and are ready to make a purchasing decision quickly.

Higher search engine rankings give your business credibility

What do you do when you’re considering making a purchase online or in-store? For most people, the answer is research.

Having a high ranking means that Google and other searchers have found your website to be relevant. This builds trust and authority for your business and gives consumers a positive feeling towards your business before they even start searching around your site.

Ranking is not permanent and changes fast

SEO is an ongoing process and the more you invest in it, the greater it will be. This is a good thing on so many levelsIf you’re not currently ranking highly in search results, you still have an opportunity to rise up. By investing in a sound SEO strategy and using smart tactics, you may be able to start outranking your competition and driving more traffic to your website.

Better sooner than later

Before the internet and SEO was even a thing, consumers used to learn about products mostly through advertisements on the radio, television, and print ads. While some people may long to go back to those “simpler” days, the reality is it’s not going to happen.

Online shopping and searching are not only here to stay, but these trends are also going to keep growing and evolving, and that means SEO will continue to change as well. It’s important to start investing in SEO sooner than later so you set your business up for success in the future.

Need help with SEO?